Lo-C biochar 20L
Char Bro Ltd
Add biochar to your garden beds for beautiful, lush growth and juicy harvests with less effort.
Add biochar into your compost and reduce turning, speed up maturation and produce lovely, fluffy, rich soil for next season's bounty.
Once you've reached the desired ratio of biochar in the soil, you're done. No reapplication required - your back will love you for it. Char Bro - it's There for Good.
Lower Carbon Content
This has a lower carbon biochar than our premium, artisan grade biochar (carbon is the part that does all the cool things), but will still be a useful addition to the garden. You may just need more of it to see the same effect.
This can come with a sturdy, 20 litre upcycled returnable bucket with lid. Bring back your returnable bucket for a discount off your next bucket of biochar. It's our way of saying "thank you" for supporting us to enable a zero-waste, circular economy.